For stronger relationships, better wellness, and tools you can actually use.

Wit and Reason with Alex & Dr. Alexis is a lifestyle podcast hosted by married couple, Alex Honigman, clinical social worker, executive coach, and cultural enthusiast, and Dr. Alexis Moreno, an award-winning psychologist and media consultant. Together, they provide relatable, actionable advice and real-life stories to help listeners improve their relationships, mental health, fitness, and personal growth.
This podcast offers a unique interactive format where episodes are recorded live on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Listeners can participate in real time, submitting questions, comments, and polls that shape the episode, creating a sense of community and connection.
Instagram: @lunadehoneyretreat
Facebook: @witandreason
Youtube: @witandreason & @alexandalexis
Linkedin: @witandreason

Official Website